Pittsford High School
Pittsford, MI 49271
The Blue and White
1924 Yearbook


Freshman Reception
    The annual reception given for the Freshmen and teachers by the three upper classes took place at the school house, Friday evening, August 31, 1923.  Nearly all the high school students attended and there were many visitors.  The evening was spent in playing games which were supervised by Mrs. Barshney and were greatly enjoyed by all.  Refreshments of ice cream and wafers were served.  In this way the Freshmen were welcomed into our ranks.

Colonial Party
    On Wednesday evening, February 20, 1924. the Girl Reserves entertained the Hi-Y and some other high school boys together with the faculty at a Colonial Party held in the auditorium of the High School.  The room was prettily decorated in red, white, and blue.  The colonial idea was carried out in the program given by the girls.
Song: "America, the beautiful."
Playlet: "We ain't Got No Flag."
Minuet: By eight girls in colonial costume.
    A contest in which pieces of hatchets were matched provided much fun.  A box luncheon and lemonade were served by the girls.

Class Socials
    Oh, the socials that have been given this year! They surely have been great.  To start the year off right the Seniors gave an "Owl Social" on October 26th.  The Juniors followed this with a "Toe Social" on November 16th, and a "Geography Social" on February 22.  The Sophomores gave a "Clothespin Doll Social" on March 21st.  Last but not least the Freshmen gave a "Hand Social on April 11th, and "Oh Boy", the eats.

Blue and White Box Social
    On Friday evening, April 25, a Box Social was given as an Annual benefit.  The chief feature of the evening consisted of the stunts put on by the various classes.  Gaily decorated boxes were disposed of by our capable auctioneer, Arthur Emerich, and a neat sum was added to the reserve fund of "The Blue and White".

Class Parties
    The Freshmen have had two parties this year.  Miss King, their class advisor, entertained them early in the school year.  Norris Armstrong entertained them at his home with a St. Patrick's Day party.  They don't say much about these parties but judging from what they have said they must have had a pretty good time.
    The Sophomores as the "Soldiers of 26" were entertained by Neva Robbins.  Clever stunts and games provided much merriment.
    The Cook sisters entertained the class at their home during "Maple Sugar Time."  All enjoyed the evening's fun and reported a "Sweet Time."  They are hoping for many returns of the day.
    On April 2 the whole High School joins with the Sophomores in giving Lee Church a royal good time on his birthday.
    The Seniors have had just one Class Party this year.  The Wells Brothers entertained them on Hallowe'en..and what could have been more enjoyable?

Senior Breakfast
    On Thursday morning, June 5, Mr. and Mrs. Barshney entertained the Seniors and Faculty at the Second Annual Senior Breakfast.  The tables were prettily decorated in the Senior colors, green and white.  Clever place cards provided much merriment.  A three course breakfast was served by Sophomore girls.  A "Giftorium" was one of the features of this occasion.

Senior Skip Day
    The Seniors had their regular skip day one nice day in May.  Unknown to the faculty and other classes, they met early in the morning and with well filled baskets, cameras and bathing suits.  The class was fortunate in having one or two members who owned cars and thus they were carried to the lake where they spent a pleasant day and finally succeeded in arriving home, having had only two punctures and three blowouts.  They have never repented of their "sin".

Junior Banquet
    There were about two hundred and fifty students, guests, faculty and alumni in attendance at the sixth annual Junior Banquet, which was held in the Bowditch Hall, May 2, 1924.  The hall, the guests and faculty tables were very attractively decorated with the High School colors, blue and white.  The class tables were each decorated in the class colors.

The program for the evening was:
The Students Lamp
Invocation: Rev. Garritt Visser
Piano Solo:  Marion Cook
Toastmistress:  Miss Edna Ford
Seniors, Standard: Beatrice Rowley
Saxophone Solo: Frances Lamb
Freshmen, Bowl: Hugh Cole
Junior, Oil: Elsie Johnson
Quartette: Senior Boys
Sophomores, Wick: Chester Bohner
Violin Solo: Flora Knowley
Faculty, Chimney: Mrs. Daily Barshney
Alumni, Flame: Leonard Moore
High School Girls Chorus:  Anchored
Address: Rev. Frederick Brink
Benediction: Rev. G.A. Emerich

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