Pittsford High School
Pittsford, MI 49271
The Blue and White
1924 Yearbook

    The Hi-Y is an organization representing the Y.M.C.A. in High Schools.  Its purpose in all activities is "to create, maintain and extend throughout the school and community, high standards of Christian character."
    The Hi-Y is firmly established and should continue as one of the leading organizations of our school.  The meetings are held on Friday afternoons and many interesting and lively discussions are entered into.
    Nine boys represented us at the State Older Boys Conference held at Ann Arbor and three at the County Hi-Y Conference at Hillsdale.
    An interesting social event of the year was the banquet given to all high school boys and older boys of the grades.  Coach Jefferson of Hillsdale College addressed us and group games added to the evening's entertainment.
    Our Hi-Y Club stands for the four "C's", Clean Living, Clean Scholarship, Clean Speech and Clean Athletics.  It stands for everything that tends to make Pittsford High School a finer and better school to work for and a school that we may at all times and places proudly call our own.

Roland J. Wells '24

The Girl Reserves
    The Girl Reserves organization is a part of the National Y.W.C.A. and is for all girls between the ages of twelve and eighteen.  The blue triangle with the letters G.R. placed within is the symbol of the Girl Reserves, the three sides symbolizing the three cardinal principles of the organization-Health, Knowledge, Spirit.
    The Altruist Club of Girl Reserves in Pittsford High School was organized in 1923.  At the close of the year there were twenty five members.  At the beginning of this year twenty of the old members returned and ten new members have been initiated.
    The Pittsford Club entertained the Second County Girl Reserve Conference on April 12 and 13.  The Conference was "Health."  Dr. Allison of New York was the Conference speaker.  This Conference was very successful, there having been one hundred and twenty registered.
    The club has enjoyed a very successful year.  Their meetings have consisted of discussion on the code, health and other practical subjects.  The Senior Girls wish the club many more successful years of work.

Iva Fisher '24

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